Student focused learning that works naturally with independent study and with the teacher in the role of facilitator
Measures student learning rather than time in a course
Students learn individual skills that they find challenging, at their own pace, practicing and refining as much as they need. When teachers serve as lecturers the instruction takes place at the lecturers’ pace; shifts the role of the teacher from that of “a sage on the stage” to a “guide on the side”
Students move rapidly through skills to which they are more adept
Students have the ability to skip learning modules entirely if they can demonstrate they already have mastery; either through a learning assessment or formative testing
Teachers work with students, guiding learning, answering questions, leading discussions, and helping students synthesize and apply knowledge
The power of technology is harnessed for teaching and learning. Computer-mediated blended instruction gives the ability to individualize learning for each students learning pace and prior understanding
Competency-based learning is grounded in timely feedback
Students know and are able to define what they need to know and do; they graduate when they have demonstrated their competency in identified areas